Nurse Aide - High School

Instructor: William(Bill) Vickery, MSN, RN
Para/Clincal Instructor :  Darlene Byrom, RN

Program Coordinator: William(Bill) Vickery, MSN, RN

Email: [email protected]
            [email protected]

Grade Level(s): 11-12 

Location: SGSTC 

Credit: 3-4 Units Yearly 

Syllabus for Nurse Aide 202324.docx

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Canvas Access for Parents - Parent's Access to Canvas

Course Description:

The Nurse Aide Program is offered at Susie G. Gibson Science and Technology Center to eleventh or twelfth grade students interested in health careers and who have a desire to work with others. Nurse Aide is offered in two sessions, one AM session and one PM session. Students learn basic patient care skills and are provided with on-the-job experience in a nursing home setting. The program is designed so that completers can sit for the Certified Nurse Aide examination. An application and drug screening are required. Upon completing the course, students have the option of applying for enrollment in Practical Nursing I during the senior year. This course is recommended for students interested in the following careers: LPN, RN, EMT, Physician’s Assistant, Occupational Therapist, Athletic Trainer, etc. SGSTC Guidance can assist with the application process for these programs.

Applicant Information:
Nurse Aide - High School Application Form
Nurse Aide - High School Reference Form

Related web page links:
For more information on Nurse Aid visit the Virginia Board of Nursing Web Page-

Credentia Nurse Aide Credentialing Services -  Access Credentia  Nurse Aide Website